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✢ P A R T I C I P A N T S ✢


This is where everyone participating in the role play will be listed, including a picture and brief description of themselves.


✢ G A M E   M A S T E R ✢


Hi there everyone, I am Gladis and the owner of this role play!
As a person, I would describe myself as a rather gentle and soft spoken person. I am somewhat shy, especially around strangers- and this goes for both the internet and RL. I am also somewhat insecure, and have a tendency to worry about doing something wrong or about my characters. Nonetheless, I always try my hardest to make things as good as I possible can. I'm a perfectionist and artist, and love to make things look pretty and structured.

As a role player my characters tend to differ a lot. Although many have relatively dark or sad pasts in common (not all of them), their personalities tend to range from everything like shy and sweet to insane and twisted as hell. Insane characters are fun to play! I also have a whole load of characters I would be terrified to meeting in real life... which I suppose is good or bad, depending how you look at it.

I'm not afraid of killing my own characters to further the plot, nor am I afraid of having them act out their insanities (if they have any). Most of my characters are male, though lately I have started playing more female characters again. Something I love including in role plays are moral conflicts, which probably has to do with that I'm a very philosophical person. I have role played for about three years now, and although I think I'm fairly good at it, I know there is always more to learn and room to improve.


✢ G A M E   M O D E R A T O R S ✢





or Vio for short
Yup, that is my name. That purple looking thing right above this. Isn't it great?
There is nothing really special about me. I'm 18 years old turning 19 in August. Blonde hair with greenish-grey eyes. Discontent and disinterested with mostly anything in the world and hard to please. I like to complain. I can be very critical of others, which makes me a "bitch" to some...or most...or whatever. I'm also really easily agitated, so again, wave that "They're a bitch" flag if you want based off of that small fact about myself. I'm also severely hard on myself. Generally I am a playful dork though. It's complicated, I'm complicated. I am a pansexual, though I have no sexual drive. I am also an androgen, I wish to not be identified as male or female. I like being both even though I'm victimized to only being capable of the feminine gender roles. I am part of "The Lifestyle" and I am unowned. Born and raised in America....whoopee. I'm a moderately skilled role-player. I have been role-playing for six or seven years and still learning. I part take in more than one role-play groups. I'm a supernaturalite and a whovian. I like to draw and watch movies. I love Disney. I'm pleased to have joined this site. Want to know more, find out for yourself and talk to me. Toodles!





✢ P L A Y E R S ✢







Arius Angels




Arius Angels


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