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✢ T H E  R A T S ✢


Being by far the most aggressive faction of the network, the rats are based in the sewers. They try to think of ways that will allow them to remove the humans from power, and replace them with the monsters. Their focus is to take over and regain power through bloodshed. They are brutes that have lost far to many to even try and negotiate peace, and constantly argue for declaring war on the humans. Although death disagrees with total elimination of the human kind, these two fractions have a good relationship because of their shared views on protecting one's own.


Fürer War

Played by Vio

A true monster. He is the leader of The Rats, whose primary goal is to wage war against the humans and then wipe them from existence. War, while he is blood thirsty and some what insane, is extremely over protective of his kind. He views those who want peace and co-existence with humans as traitors of their own people and should die along side the humans, though he can be convinced in some cases to spare them. He despises the ministry and it's leader. He has made it his goal to kill the head of the ministry. War kills hounds on sight. War is not opposed to murder, torture, or excessive violence and will gladly kill anyone who gets in his way. He views the deaths of innocent by-standards as minor collateral damage, ants that were at the wrong time and wrong place. War as no morals, really gives no fucks, and gets what he wants when he wants it. He has nihilistic and psychopathic tendencies that makes him a threat to monsters and humans alike. He aims to bring destruction. He will make the sky rain fire, turn the rivers to blood, and turn the world around him to ash in order to win this war...

Gabriel Ellerson

Played by Strawberry275

Gabriel is an extremely passionate young man and this is reflected both in his extremely active opposition to the humans and the contempt he holds for them, as well as his one-sided romance with Shinji (if you can call stalking someone for roughly two years a romance of any sort).

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